Updated java version and disabled geyser due to too old jde.
- name: check if swap file exists
path: "{{swapfile_path}}"
register: swapfile_check
- name: create swap file
become: yes
command: "fallocate -l {{swapfile_size}} {{swapfile_path}}"
when: not swapfile_check.stat.exists
- name: set swap file permissions
become: yes
path: "{{swapfile_path}}"
mode: "0600"
- name: format swap file
become: yes
command: "mkswap {{swapfile_path}}"
when: not swapfile_check.stat.exists
- name: write swap entry in fstab
become: yes
name: "none"
src: "{{swapfile_path}}"
fstype: "swap"
opts: "sw"
passno: 0
dump: 0
state: "present"
- name: turn on swap
become: yes
command: "swapon {{swapfile_path}}"
when: not swapfile_check.stat.exists