author Luke Hoersten <>
Mon, 07 Oct 2024 23:31:51 -0500
changeset 239 c3e3169399a8
parent 226 ce33bf94045f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Updated java version and disabled geyser due to too old jde.


- name: unarchive adguard home
  become: yes
    remote_src: yes
    src: "{{adguard_home_tar}}"
    dest: "/tmp/"
    creates: "/tmp/AdGuardHome/"
    owner: "root"
    group: "root"

- name: install adguard home binary
  become: yes
    src: "/tmp/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome"
    dest: "/usr/local/bin/"
    remote_src: yes
    owner: "root"
    group: "root"
    mode: "0755"
  notify: restart adguard home

- name: create dirs
  become: yes
    path: "{{item}}"
    state: "directory"
    owner: "root"
    group: "root"
    mode: "0755"
    - "/etc/AdGuardHome"
    - "{{adguard_home_data_dir}}"
  notify: restart adguard home

- name: configure adguard home service
  become: yes
  template: src="AdGuardHome.service.j2" dest="/etc/systemd/system/AdGuardHome.service"
  notify: restart adguard home

- name: configure adguard home
  become: yes
  template: src="AdGuardHome.yaml.j2" dest="/etc/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome.yaml"
  notify: restart adguard home

- include: enable-dns-bypass.yaml
  when: adguard_dns_bypass

- include: disable-dns-bypass.yaml
  when: not adguard_dns_bypass

- name: ensure adguard home is started
  become: yes
  systemd: name="AdGuardHome.service" enabled="yes" state="started"