Version updates and fixed excessive logging on web server.
- name: add grafana apt key
become: yes
url: ""
dest: "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/grafana.asc"
mode: "0644"
- name: add grafana apt repo
become: yes
apt_repository: repo="deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/grafana.asc] stable main"
- name: install prometheus and grafana
become: yes
apt: name="{{prometheus_server_apt_packages}}" state="latest"
- name: make prometheus data dir
become: yes
path: "{{prometheus_server_data_dir}}"
state: "directory"
owner: "prometheus"
group: "prometheus"
recurse: yes
notify: restart prometheus service
- name: configure prometheus data dir
become: yes
path: "/etc/default/prometheus"
regexp: '^ARGS="'
line: 'ARGS="--storage.tsdb.path={{prometheus_server_data_dir}}"'
notify: restart prometheus service
- name: configure prometheus
become: yes
src: "{{prometheus_server_conf}}"
dest: "/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml"
- restart prometheus service
- restart grafana service
- name: ensure grafana is started
become: yes
systemd: name="grafana-server.service" enabled="yes" state="started"
### TODO: This is broken and not sure why. Started having errors one day. I
### supect bug with anisble module
# - name: install grafana prometheus data source
# become: yes
# grafana_datasource:
# name: "Prometheus"
# ds_type: "prometheus"
# ds_url: "http://localhost:9090"
# grafana_url: "http://localhost:3000"
# is_default: yes
# changed_when: false
# - name: install grafana plugins
# become: yes
# grafana_plugin: name="{{item}}"
# loop: "{{prometheus_server_grafana_plugins}}"
- name: copy dashboards to target
become: yes
src: "{{prometheus_server_grafana_dashboard_src}}/{{item}}"
dest: "/tmp/"
mode: "0640"
loop: "{{prometheus_server_grafana_dashboards}}"
- name: install grafana dashboards
become: yes
grafana_url: "http://localhost:3000"
path: "/tmp/{{item}}"
overwrite: yes
loop: "{{prometheus_server_grafana_dashboards}}"