Version updates and fixed excessive logging on web server.
- name: add prometheus user to video group for rpi GPU stats
become: yes
user: name="prometheus" groups="video" append="yes"
- name: install prometheus rpi-exporter
src: "{{prometheus_client_rpi_src}}"
remote_src: yes
dest: "/tmp"
creates: "/tmp/{{prometheus_client_rpi_dest}}"
notify: restart rpi_exporter
- name: disable GPU temp scraping
become: yes
path: "/tmp/{{prometheus_client_rpi_dest}}/rpi_exporter.service"
regexp: "^ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/rpi_exporter"
line: "ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/rpi_exporter --no-collector.gpu"
when: not prometheus_client_rpi_collect_gpu_temp
changed_when: false
- name: install systemd service for rpi-exporter
become: yes
src: "/tmp/{{prometheus_client_rpi_dest}}/rpi_exporter.service"
remote_src: yes
dest: "/lib/systemd/system/rpi_exporter.service"
notify: restart rpi_exporter
- name: install rpi-exporter binary
become: yes
src: "/tmp/{{prometheus_client_rpi_dest}}/rpi_exporter"
remote_src: yes
dest: "/usr/local/bin/rpi_exporter"
mode: "0755"
notify: restart rpi_exporter
- name: ensure systemd service is started
become: yes
systemd: name="rpi_exporter.service" enabled="yes" state="started"