author Luke Hoersten <>
Sat, 16 May 2020 10:07:24 -0500 (2020-05-16)
changeset 26 b0e4ad2f4291
parent 7 dc3fca0131a7
child 43 b86f3fc9fb6f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix writefreely role to be idempotent.

- name: apt install pip
  become: yes
  apt: name="python-pip"

- name: pip install aws cli packages
  become: yes
  pip: name="{{aws_s3_backup_pip_packages}}"

- name: create aws config dir for root
  become: yes
  file: path="/root/.aws/" state="directory" mode="0700"

- name: configure aws credentials for root
  become: yes
  template: src="aws-{{item}}.j2" dest="/root/.aws/{{item}}" mode="0600"
    - "credentials"
    - "config"

- name: create systemd target
  become: yes
    src: ""
    dest: "/lib/systemd/system/"
  notify: reload target

- name: create systemd timer
  become: yes
    src: "aws-s3-backup.timer"
    dest: "/lib/systemd/system/aws-s3-backup.timer"
  notify: reload timer

- name: ensure timer is started
  become: yes
  systemd: name="aws-s3-backup.timer" enabled="yes" state="started"