Updated node and homebridge roles. Homebridge 1.0.0 released and breaks copy codec.
- name: install prometheus node exporter
become: yes
apt: name="prometheus-node-exporter"
# # Nginx
# - name: check if running nginx
# stat: path="/etc/nginx/"
# register: stat_nginx_conf
# - name: install prometheus-nginx-exporter
# become: yes
# apt: name="prometheus-nginx-exporter"
# when: stat_nginx_conf.stat.exists
# # PostgreSQL
# - name: check if running postgresql
# stat: path="/etc/postgresql/"
# register: stat_postgresql_conf
# - name: install prometheus-postgresql-exporter
# become: yes
# apt: name="prometheus-postgres-exporter"
# when: stat_postgresql_conf.stat.exists