Added nginx reverse proxy to pleroma.
- name: set hostname in OS
become: yes
hostname: name="{{inventory_hostname}}"
- name: change timezone to UTC
become: yes
timezone: name="UTC"
- name: install nginx packages
become: yes
apt: name="nginx"
- name: disable default site
become: yes
file: path="/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default" state="absent"
notify: restart nginx
- name: install site
become: yes
template: src="{{nginx_conf_src}}" dest="/etc/nginx/sites-available/{{nginx_conf_dst}}"
notify: restart nginx
- import_tasks: certbot.yaml
when: nginx_enable_ssl
- name: enable site
become: yes
src: "/etc/nginx/sites-available/{{nginx_conf_dst}}"
dest: "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{{nginx_conf_dst}}"
state: "link"
notify: restart nginx
- name: enable nginx service
become: yes
systemd: name="nginx" enabled="yes" state="started"