--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/System/IO/Streams/Concurrent/Unagi.hs Mon Dec 08 22:31:25 2014 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+module System.IO.Streams.Concurrent.Unagi
+ ( -- * Channel conversions
+ inputToChan
+ , chanToInput
+ , chanToOutput
+ , concurrentMerge
+ , makeChanPipe
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
+import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
+import Control.Concurrent.Chan.Unagi (InChan, OutChan, newChan,
+ readChan, writeChan)
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar (modifyMVar, newEmptyMVar,
+ newMVar, putMVar, takeMVar)
+import Control.Exception (SomeException, mask, throwIO,
+ try)
+import Control.Monad (forM_)
+import Prelude hiding (read)
+import System.IO.Streams.Internal (InputStream, OutputStream,
+ makeInputStream,
+ makeOutputStream, read)
+-- | Writes the contents of an input stream to a channel until the input stream
+-- yields end-of-stream.
+inputToChan :: InputStream a -> InChan (Maybe a) -> IO ()
+inputToChan is ch = go
+ where
+ go = do
+ mb <- read is
+ writeChan ch mb
+ maybe (return $! ()) (const go) mb
+-- | Turns an 'OutChan' into an input stream.
+chanToInput :: OutChan (Maybe a) -> IO (InputStream a)
+chanToInput ch = makeInputStream $! readChan ch
+-- | Turns an 'InChan' into an output stream.
+chanToOutput :: InChan (Maybe a) -> IO (OutputStream a)
+chanToOutput = makeOutputStream . writeChan
+-- | Concurrently merges a list of 'InputStream's, combining values in the
+-- order they become available.
+-- Note: does /not/ forward individual end-of-stream notifications, the
+-- produced stream does not yield end-of-stream until all of the input streams
+-- have finished.
+-- This traps exceptions in each concurrent thread and re-raises them in the
+-- current thread.
+concurrentMerge :: [InputStream a] -> IO (InputStream a)
+concurrentMerge iss = do
+ mv <- newEmptyMVar
+ nleft <- newMVar $! length iss
+ mask $ \restore -> forM_ iss $ \is -> forkIO $ do
+ let producer = do
+ emb <- try $ restore $ read is
+ case emb of
+ Left exc -> do putMVar mv (Left (exc :: SomeException))
+ producer
+ Right Nothing -> putMVar mv $! Right Nothing
+ Right x -> putMVar mv (Right x) >> producer
+ producer
+ makeInputStream $ chunk mv nleft
+ where
+ chunk mv nleft = do
+ emb <- takeMVar mv
+ case emb of
+ Left exc -> throwIO exc
+ Right Nothing -> do x <- modifyMVar nleft $ \n ->
+ let !n' = n - 1
+ in return $! (n', n')
+ if x > 0
+ then chunk mv nleft
+ else return Nothing
+ Right x -> return x
+-- | Create a new pair of streams using an underlying 'Chan'. Everything written
+-- to the 'OutputStream' will appear as-is on the 'InputStream'.
+-- Since reading from the 'InputStream' and writing to the 'OutputStream' are
+-- blocking calls, be sure to do so in different threads.
+makeChanPipe :: IO (InputStream a, OutputStream a)
+makeChanPipe = do
+ (inChan, outChan) <- newChan
+ (,) <$> chanToInput outChan <*> chanToOutput inChan