Disabled rpi swap because it kills the sd cards.
- name: install homekit apt packages
become: yes
apt: name="{{item}}"
with_items: "{{hap_ubuntu_apt_packages}}"
- name: download and unarchive HAP-NodeJS
unarchive: src="{{hap_src}}" dest="{{hap_home}}" remote_src="yes" creates="{{hap_dest}}"
- name: install npm packages
npm: name="{{item}}" path="{{hap_dest}}"
with_items: "{{hap_npm_packages}}"
- name: clean up accessory examples
file: path="{{hap_dest}}/accessories" state="absent"
- name: create accessories dir
file: path="{{hap_dest}}/accessories" state="directory"
- name: create python dir
file: path="{{hap_dest}}/python" state="directory"
- name: install doord.py
copy: src="../../../src/doord.py" dest="{{hap_dest}}/python/doord.py"
notify: restart hap-nodejs service
- name: install door accessory
copy: src="../../../src/Door_accessory.js" dest="{{hap_dest}}/accessories/Door_accessory.js"
notify: restart hap-nodejs service
- name: build HAP-NodeJS
command: "npm install"
chdir: "{{hap_dest}}"
changed_when: false
- name: configure systemd service
become: yes
template: src="hap-nodejs.service.j2" dest="/lib/systemd/system/hap-nodejs.service"
notify: restart hap-nodejs service
- name: ensure hap-nodejs is started
become: yes
systemd: name="hap-nodejs.service" enabled="yes" state="started"