Added pseudo-camera back to doorbell so the chime can be controlled. Doorbell settings are tied to the camera in home app.
# Based on script
- name: install automationhat apt packages
become: yes
apt: name="{{automationhat_apt_packages}}"
- name: configure i2c boot config
become: yes
path: "/boot/config.txt"
line: "dtparam=i2c_arm=on"
insertafter: "^#dtparam=i2c_arm=on"
- name: configure i2c kernel modules
become: yes
path: "/etc/modules"
line: "{{item}}"
with_items: "{{automationhat_modules}}"
- name: modprobe kernel modules
become: yes
modprobe: name="{{item}}"
with_items: "{{automationhat_modules}}"
- name: dtparam i2c
become: yes
command: "dtparam i2c_arm=on"
changed_when: false
- name: enable i2c with raspi-config
become: yes
command: "raspi-config nonint do_i2c 0"
changed_when: false